AMS Magnetic Field Therapy for Horses - Natural Therapies used for years world wide.

horse equine magnetic field therapyWelcome and thank you for wanting to investigate Magnetic Field Therapy for horses. The great thing about working with animals is that there is no placebo effect possible and that's what gives our devices the credibility they deserve. This is not a new technology! We have the latest versions but this has been in use with horses for many years. It has just never been represented properly in Australia and New Zealand.

30 Year Research by Dr Ludwig made him the authority
AMS equipment was designed by Dr rer nat W. Ludwig 'the father of magnetic field therapy'. Natural, gentle, effective and no side effects. Combining many facets of natural therapies, like homeopathic's, nosodes and other remedies as well as photon colour therapy. Used by veterinarians, animal trainers and owners worldwide. This deserves your attention, please investigate further or ring for information.

A summary of how it works (visit HOW IT WORKS for an in depth explanation)
Ever organism on earth (that includes people) evolved to magnetic signals of the earth and that part of the solar radiation that is able to penetrate our atmosphere. These signal are of great importance to internal regulation of the organism.

These natural signals are often distorted by our modern way of living. The power grid, electrical appliances, mobile phone's, mobile phone towers, Satellite signals, TV broadcast stations, tall buildings, asphalt, draining pipes and more, are responsible for us not getting the signals we have evolved to. The immune system suffers because of this.
Our devices reproduce these natural signals (which are only weak in strength) and just from being exposed to them the organism's immune system is strengthened. The use of different frequencies found to be effective over the last 30 year helps to address a whole range of health issues. All without discomfort, all without side effects.

AMS Magnetic Field Therapy for Horses

Here are some of the main devices. Please click on any for further information.
Make sure to read our 'How it Works' page so you understand what this is all about.

The very best

Comes with:
2 directional inductors and stands
1 magneto ring (fits over horse head)

2 Signal Generators
Highest Quality Field Generation
Top of the line fine tuning abilities
Audio Speaker
Communication to PC optional
Connection for CEPES Laser Vario
Range 1 to 100Hz (harmonics to 10Mhz)
Runs on rechargeable battery

Affordability with full digital capabilities

1 Signal Generator
Communication to PC optional
Signal Modulation On/Off
Intensity Normal or High
Range 1 to 1000Hz (harmonics to 10Mhz)
Runs on rechargeable battery

Comes with:
1 Magneto Loop


Affordability without digital capabilities

1 Signal Generator
Signal Modulation On/Off
Intensity Normal or High
Range 1 to 1000Hz (harmonics to 10Mhz)
Runs on rechargeable battery

Comes with:
1 Magneto Loop


For more information about features of our practice devices CLICK HERE.
To find out how it all fits together as part of an all inclusive system, go to 'HOW IT WORKS'.
To understand Dr Ludwig's research and get in depth information about Magneto Therapy, go to 'WHY IT WORKS'

Photon Therapy on a large scale

Unique: Spectra of 64 trace elements modulated into the colour.

Stand alone device or interlinked with practice magnetic field device for increased capabilities and effectiveness.
Over 1000 shades of colour possible.
Also, White and AutoRainbow function.
Adjustable intensity (very bright).

Comes with power adaptor and stand.

Price AU$ 4799 now AU$ 3990 incl gst
Go to COLOR-Light

3 in 1. Not just a red light!

Very powerful combination of:
Red-Light Laser
Magnetic Field Therapy
Substrate transmitting ability.

Stimulates Self Repair for localised issues.
Special Cap Designed for penetrating fur.
Easy to operate, comfortable to use.
Perfect for Acupuncture.

Price AU$ 898 incl gst
Find Out More

Satisfaction Guarantee

WAVE transfer and Wave transfer C
Transition and duplication of remedies without electrosmog.

Oscillations and frequencies of remedies can be copied and inexpensively reproduced in water.
Even digitised, stored and shared.

Find out more on pages dedicated to these devices.


The results of AMS devices speak for themselves. With animals there can be no placebo effect. In relation to using magnetic field devices on people we legally have to make the statement that magnetic field therapy is scientifically disputed and it is not yet recognised by conventional medicine. We also have to state that our devices are not meant to diagnose, treat or cure any disease or illness and that they are for well being purposes only and do not substitute medical care of a conventional doctor. If you have any medical issue, please consult your doctor and do not use these items if you are pregnant or think you might be.